Throughout the year, but most notably during the winter months, one venue that is just catered for the conduct of wedding ceremonies is the:
The Regina Floral Conservatory
1450B - 4th Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan
Mailing Address:
Box 1790, Regina, SK, S4P 3C8
Phone: 306 781-4769
Regina Garden Associates, in conjunction with the City of Regina, maintain the Regina Floral Conservatory from the Tuesday after Labour Day to mid June. Bursting with tropical plants, exotic trees, and brilliant blooms September through June, the Conservatory extends a warm welcome to visitors. Floral displays change regularly and feature seasonal offerings set in the tranquility of lush greenery, the therapeutic scent of moist air and the soothing sounds of a gentle waterfall. The facility was established by the City of Regina during the 1950's as a cluster of three greenhouses to grow plant material to beautify the city. A portion of this operation was later opened to the public so that the people of Regina could enjoy an indoor greenspace. In 1991, a volunteer organization called the Regina Garden Associates (RGA) was formed to operate a small gift shop at the entrance to the public floral display. In 1999 the City of Regina formed a partnership with the RGA to maintain a 315 square meter greenhouse display, oversee special events and run the gift shop. In 2002 the greenhouse officially became known as the Regina Floral Conservatory. Entry is free of charge. All charitable donations are greatly appreciated. Wheelchair accessible. Ample free parking. Pets not permitted